Mold Inspection
Standalone Service or Packaged with Home Inspection
outdoor control and indoor comparative samples as well as sampling of the affected areas
humidity and moisture level testing of affected areas
results analyzed locally by the leading hazardous material testing company in North America
Seller Pre-Inspection
Generally performed by seller prior to listing the home
Seller-initiated inspection of all components of the home prior to the listing.
helps to understand what repairs may be needed
repairs completed prior to listing can help selling price and negotiations
buyers will often accept a clean inspection from seller and thus shorten time in escrow
Structural Inspection
A full evaluation of all of your home's structural components
Visual inspection of crawlspace, foundation from exterior of the home and attic space in conjunction with relative elevation measurements using a Zip Level tool. These components allow us to assess any foundational movement due to earthquakes or seismic activity.
Every Inspection Services Includes Evaluation of:
roof // vents // flashings and trim // gutters and downspouts // skylight, chimney and other roof penetrations // decks, stoops, porches, walkways and railings // doors and windows // eaves, soffit and fascia // grading and drainage // water pressure // basement // flooring, foundation and crawlspace //water penetration and foundation movement // heating and cooling systems // main water shut off valves // water heating system // interior plumbing fixtures and faucets // drainage sump pumps with accessible floats // electrical service line and meter box // main disconnect and service amperage // electrical panels, breakers and fuses // grounding and bonding // 120 and 240V outlets GFCIs and AFCIs // ceiling fans // counters, cabinets/drawers // fireplace damper door and hearth // attic space, insulation and ventilation // duct work // all HVAC registers // garage doors // safety sensors and openers
In addition... EVERY INSPECTION INCLUDES A FULL RELATIVE ELEVATION SURVEY OF YOUR HOME'S FOUNDATION .. This is the tool that the structural engineers use to evaluate movement of the home's foundation. This is especially important in the Bay Area where earthquakes are common. This is not a standard item for most home inspector outfits but we don't charge extra for it. We're just that geeky about getting it right!